Sunday, August 31, 2014

i want you,
to be my beginning, and
i want you,
to be my only ending.

and i want every-us
in between.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

nadi aku seperti mahu berhenti.
dan jantung aku seperti juga enggan lagi berdetak.
hati aku juga seperti sudah mahu mati.
apa lagi?

aku sendiri masih tercari.

aku penat.

dalam tubuh sendiri.
dalam akal sendiri.
dalam jiwa sendiri.
dalam rasa sendiri.

hentikan semua.

aku sudah hilang pedoman.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

been writing too much.
been exposing too much.

been stupid too long.

i can't be sad or happy,
i tend to fall into an
unknown territory, where
the only allowed feeling to feel
is pain.
how can i still stand in
a space that has so many gravities
pulling me in every direction?
i do not understand.
yet, how can i be such a
non - equilibrium being that keep
falling into an insignificant space,
hitting every existing wall,
and making a bigger
insignificant space to fall into?
i do not understand.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

it is hard to be happy,
i don't know what
went wrong,
or what it is that is wrong,

i can't steer the handle.

saturdays were the worst

mondays were the best
we are not meant to be together,
to go to the movie,
to giggle over each other's stupid jokes,
to look into each other eyes,
to share one favourite sweater,
to wear the same colour of shirts,
to swoon over someone handsome,
to curse over someone we hate,
to fight over a blanket,
to being a sister to each other,
to being a bitch to each other,

we are meant not to meet each other at the first place

Sunday, August 24, 2014

how does it feel to mourn over someone?
how does it feel to have someone walk out from your life?
how does it feel to not be loved from someone you love?
how does it feel to feel alone in a crowded room?
how does it feel?

i don't know,
i don't feel anymore,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

do you ever think of going and diving deep 
into my complexity 
as much as i thirst
to taste a bit of your complexness?

i know,
you don't.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

did i ever mention that i love this girl so much i think im addicted to her just like im addicted to my sweet creamy chocolate smoothie?


Stay Awesome, Gotham

LOL It looks like Lily is twerking 

Monday, August 4, 2014

sungguh aku ingin tahu
betapa besar tempat aku
dalam hati milik kamu?

hingga kita hilang semua
dan sepi, sesepi lari mata
milik kamu dan aku

sumpah, aku berjiwa kelana
sejak ratusan hari dulu


akal aku kecamuk,
juga hati aku kecamuk,
segala isi dalam tubuh aku,

jugakah kecamuk?