Sunday, December 9, 2018

I want to remember today. I want to remember the way I cried today. So, I'm writing this, a memoir, a lesson, a part of my life to revisit to remind my self, no one else matter, nothing else matter but myself.

I think I know who am I today, the one part of me. The part that always end up crying somewhere in the corner, the part that always almost never learnt the lesson, the one part that hardly giving up, the one part that frustrates me almost all the time. This one part of me that always willing to run miles for people, to cross the fire for people whom I love and always there when they need me, when they don't need me. I am letting go of this one part.

It was heartbroken to see my self in the mirror, the swollen eyes, the red nose, the tears. It was almost to being embarrassed of who I am, and how I ended up this way. Be it someone whom I want to spend my life forever, be it my friends whom I thought is forever too, be it someone close whom I can count on, why does at the end, it hurts so much?

So, these questions keep coming to me:

1. Why I care about others when they didn't even have a thought of me?
2. Why put on effort when everything just repeatedly shows how unimportant you are?
3. Why love so hard when no one cares?
4. Why bother trying to be in someone's life when you are always dismissed?
5. Why broke your own heart trying to make people happy?
6. Why can't you stop being there?

And the answer that I got, because people have their own lives to care about than the mere feeling of mine, I'm just a small part of their lives, because all of us are chasing, rushing into something, I am not someone worth the time and effort. It's just how life happens. Thus, I said loudly to myself, don't push away what important to me for others, don't stop what I'm doing for others, don't bother to carry the effort of doing something for others. Stop thinking of others, stop thinking of how it is important to be with them in their high and low. Stop bothering. Live your own life like how others do.

It doesn't matter even if you drive for hours while being sick, if you aren't important, you aren't important. It doesn't matter how many hours of trip you need to have to be there with people you miss, because you aren't the one that need to be there,you being there or you not being there, doesn't change anything. It doesn't matter how hard you cry and need someone at a moment because that someone important to you have another plan. It doesn't matter how you feel, because after all, the one matter is our own feeling. So why bother crying for others? Why bother trying hard with everything? It is our own self that important. I just learn this now, a bit late than others. so, it's okay. Live your life. Try for yourself. Make yourself happy.

Why dismiss yourself for other while they dismiss you without a blink?
You only have yourself, the one who will be there forever.
That kind of love you give to others, should be given to you.

When things happen again in future, the first thing that should come to your mind is yourself.
Do everything for yourself.

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