Monday, September 17, 2018

on relationship.

i crossed upon a couple who adore each other. they are pretty much like a bee and a flower.
easy.simple.comfortable. despite they too might have problems of their own.
i have always wishing, longing for that kind of relationship. comfortable. understanding.
but i guess i am a no one to ask or deserve that. as it's getting real hard these days.
it's never about a distance or how much romance you put in it.
it's more about an effort, to keep the relationship going, to keep each other happy.
as fun is fading. as romance is never there at the first love is like a crumple pie. it's an effort.
how enough i should be to deserve an effort?how hard it is to make an effort? it has always been my biggest question.

i think i know the answer.
i think i've always knew the answer.
but im denying myself.

but why at the first place,
you asked me the question.
why did you make me flatter,
when all you have is hesitation.

and im telling myself.
it's okay.
it's not.

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