Saturday, October 13, 2018

on new way of thinking

I've been in a lot of discomfort and awkward situations lately.
Either with my partner or with my colleague or with people in my class (I'm taking few courses).
It's just overwhelming how everything comes at the same pace and the same time, are you guys plotting something against me?
(Well, I know this is just my feeling)

So, I just had a very terrible, terrible presentation today despite of ,I took a long time preparing everything but somehow it turned out bad that when I went home I took the longest nap I ever had in my life time.

So upon waking up, in my bed with messy hair and messy mind and scattered heart, I said to myself, no, this is not the end. This should be something I need to work on, be better, keep improving so that at one point later on, I will be really good with my stuff and I will really know what I'm delivering to the audience. I believe everyone is the best, we are competence enough, we understand enough, we are not fighting to be who-are-the-best but we are beating our own capability and ability,  and be the best version of our self.

I know I can do this.

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